“Ready for round two?” laughed the being as he waved his hands and the Tormentors immediately attacked.
The survivors scrambled after a second in shock, but the Tormentors were too fast.
All the females were immediately assaulted by Tormentors. Many of them, like Tyler, Heather, Lara and the rest lost heart as they saw their lovers as Tormentors attacking other girls randomly.
Adam tried to fight off Tormentor Scott who was attacking Emily but he was overwhelmed by Tormentor Jean who engulfed his cock with her vagina and teeth.
However, to the surprise of the couples who were conjoined together, the Tormentors couldn’t turn them into Tormentors.
The male Tormentors drilled the asses of both Jack and Natasha as both screamed, but they didn’t turn, even though they felt the agony of 13 inch cocks drilling into their asses.
James and Alicia was the same as they were all sodomized by male Tormentors, but didn’t turn into one.
The being didn’t notice this until it was too late as the other mandingos counterattacked violently even with multiple Tormentors in their asses as well as the asses of their female partners.
Out of the blue, Tyrone who was attached to Trish jumped the being from behind, wielding a metal stand from the museum.
The being was caught by surprise as the metal stand cracked its head as it fell to the floor. Tyrone continued smashing it on the entity’s head, blood flowing everywhere.
The entity waved its hand and Tyrone/Trish were thrown hard against the wall, Tyrone crushing Trish’s body. As she passed out in pain, he doubled up in pain as any injury to her caused him to feel the pain as if his crotch was the one being injured that way.
Several other conjoined pairs tried to pile on the pressure in attacking the entity, but they were all sent flying, injuring themselves in the process.
Suddenly, out of the blue, a soft voice was heard “Freeze”
The entity, all the cockbots and fleshbots as well as the Tormentors froze as a blonde female walked out.
It was the Magician’s skeleton, merged together with his mother’s flesh.
He walked right up to the entity, and in one touch, the flesh that was on the entity melted off and landed on the ground like an empty skinsuit. The Magician picked it up and wrapped it around her shoulder like a cape.
“You bastard, you nearly took everything from me” she said.
The entity’s metallic skeleton was transformed into several urinals in the men's toilet, for the men to piss on. The Magician wanted the entity within his control, yet didn't risk making it something people will regularly touch. The urinal was automatic, so besides being peed on, there was minimal contact with the urinals.
With a wave of his/her hand, all the fleshbots and cockbots were restored to their regular body dimensions, but in their inanimate sexdoll form and scattered randomly across the hall.
Then the Magician disappeared with his and his mother’s flesh.
The next morning, the “cleaners” rushed into the museum as the museum opened. Their memories had been restored and they immediately started looking for their wives or girlfriends.
It didn’t take them long to find them as the dolls were left on the floor in one large hall in the middle of the museum. However, they were all inanimate and lifeless.
As that happened, quite a large number of visitors entered the museum as well and were confused by the empty halls.
The visitors suddenly passed by the cleaners carrying their wives or girlfriends out of the museum, and followed the direction where the cleaners came from, finding the large hall with the rest of the dolls.
The visitors thought it was a free for all, and they all started fucking and even taking the dolls away.
Pandemonium started as people were fighting over the dolls, and within minutes the police arrived, closing down the museum and confiscating all the dolls that were left.
Many people were arrested, and several dolls went missing, especially the wives, which were taken by their husbands who were cleaners there. The famous dolls like Linda, Elizabeth, Lara, Tanya, Aiko, Sierra and Carrie were stolen as well.
The FBI and police force already had their eye on the museum for a long time since the earlier FBI case. They had a whole list of all the dolls, including pictures of each of them, and as more people disappeared and their lookalike dolls appeared in the museum, they kept a closer and closer eye on them.
However, because of the earlier court case, they were unable to move on the museum until they had better evidence besides the fact that the dolls looked like missing people.
This time, the FBI finally thought they got them. Among the naked dolls were dolls of FBI agents Jack Johnson, Aishwara Johnson, June Dawkins, Alicia Stewart, as well as Jack’s children, Adam and Amanda as well as Adam’s fiancĂ©e Emily Rose Downing.
The LAPD found their agents Carmen Diaz and Brad Cummings. They suspect the hermaphrodite doll was their agent Buff Hudsen as well.
The FBI also noted the MI6 agent James Winters who was working with Alicia Steward on this very case was there as well as Russian spy Natasha Romanova.
The FBI took over the case and confiscated all the dolls, placing them in a special warehouse for storage.
The stolen dolls of the celebrities were still missing as were more than half of the other dolls.
In the meantime, the Magician had teleported to his mother’s house, finding her skeleton slumped on the floor.
Upon restoring her body, he found that although her body was breathing and alive, her mind was gone.
He sighed in disappointment as he looked at her perfect naked body. He didn’t want to leave her alone again this time, and he didn’t want to use her as a doll in the museum.
He spent the whole day and night with her unresponsive body, reminiscing about the past, before finally deciding what to do with her.
The Magician had decided to split his consciousness, entering her body, enabling him to control both bodies simultaneously and independently.
“You shall be called Circe, and you will take over the regular activities” he said to his other self.
He wanted to travel and broaden his horizons, explore different ideas.
They smiled simultaneously at each other and then, both of them vanished.
Circe appeared at the museum. She was surprised to find that it was completely dark.
She walked around to find police tape everywhere cordoning off the whole museum. She looked out the window to see the sex club nearby also closed.
"Hey! Who is there! This place is off limits!" yelled a loud voice as a police officer ran into the room she was in while flashing his flashlight.
"What did you see?" asked his partner who was just behind him, both drawing their weapons while flashing their lights around the room.
"Strange! I could swear I saw a naked blonde walking into this room" said the first policeman
"Naked blonde? You must be imagining things. After all, this was a sex museum" said the second officer.
"Ah... I'm probably just sexually frustrated for being assigned to night duty here. I wish one of those gorgeous dolls were still here" the first officer said.
"You've been here before?" the second cop asked
"Plenty of times! I even have my favorites. They all feel so realistic, maybe even better than real women. Way better than the escorts I hire anyway" the first said,
"You're disgusting" said the second as they walked out of the room.
From their minds, Circe already found out what happened.
"Damn. It'll be alot of work reclaiming all of them" she said
"But maybe, this is an opportunity..." she pondered with a smile.
The Erotic Magician uses his magical abilities to fulfill his every carnal desire.
Friday, 23 June 2017
Thursday, 22 June 2017
Chapter 71 - The Survivors
One by one, the survivors appeared in the museum, sore and bruised from their ordeal, in
They started appearing in the order they escaped from the survival game, in exactly the same position they were in, with their last sight what they saw last.
Tyler was the first to appear and her last sight was Steven still fucking Melanie as Alex came into her.
Not long later, Melanie appeared, still scared of the approaching Tormentors as Jason came into her. She was terrified of Jean who was a Tormentor and Steven who had just been turned.
“Melanie? What happened? Where is Steven?” asked Tyler as she crawled over to her.
Melanie hugged her immediately. “I’m so sorry Tyler. He was turned”
“What… what…” Tyler mumbled, unable to process what happened when suddenly, Heather appeared screaming.
“Jason” she whispered, in tears. Her last moment in the game was kissing Jason who was turning into a tormentor as Alex came into her.
The girls surrounded Heather hand huddled together hugging each other, comforting each other and looking at their surroundings.
They were in the familiar museum, but it was night time, and the whole place was dark and silent.
Within moments, Stephanie appeared, then Carmen, Mandy and finally Tina. They were all in pain from fucking the 13 inch Tyrone and were semi conscious from the pain.
Unlike their normal time where the Magician will heal them or make their bodies automatically more durable and able to heal themselves, they were normal now, and their bodies were battered from within by the large cock. It was likely they had internal injuries from being rammed by Tyrone.
The first 3 girls pulled themselves together and went over to help the 3 teenagers and Carmen, as they were bleeding from their pussies and were in quite a lot of pain.
Within moments, more and more people started appearing from different parts of the survival game.
Amber appeared after being raped by Trayvon, Darius and Lamar, then Lara after being fucked by Jacen, Terrell and Harlan. They were in bad shape with their pussies destroyed by the thugs. They were in worse shape than Carmen, Stephanie, Tina and Mandy as they only had Tyrone, while these girls had 3 mandingos each and were even anally raped.
It wasn’t long before more of the different thug’s victims appeared in a random order. Carolyn appeared first, then Theresa. Both were also in a bad shape and unconscious.
Then came the university students Lily, Angela, Susan and Joey. They appeared crying as they witnessed their boyfriends turned into Tormentors. But they realized what was happening, pulled themselves together to help out the other girls who were bleeding badly from their orifices and their bodies were battered.
Then Emily appeared, in reasonable condition so she helped out while waiting for the rest of her group. Marisa appeared next. She too was hopeful the rest of her group would turn up.
Suddenly, Tyrone and Trish appeared. Trish was moaning in pain as Tyrone’s 13 inch cock was still inside her. Carmen, Tina, Stephanie and Mandy glanced at him in fear as their pussies were ruined by him.
He smiled, pleased with himself that he managed to escape and looked around and smiled at the 3 teenagers in a leering manner.
However as he got up, he realized Trish was still attached to him. She looked at him in fear as he grabbed her breasts and tried to pull her off.
She screamed in a strange sound, but surprisingly, he screamed as well as he realized he hurt the moment he grabbed her breasts and squeezed hard. It was as if he was squeezing his own cock.
They looked at each other in shock as he groped her everywhere. Every time he touched her, he felt as if he was touching a part of his cock, as if she was a part of him, she became his cock.
She looked at him in surprise, and as her hands tried to push him off, she felt as if she was touching her own pussy. She looked at her groin and found that she was attached to Tyrone at the groin seamlessly.
“Whaa haa’eened?” asked Trish in a slurred fashion as she suddenly realized that she could not talk, as if her tongue was swollen.
Tyrone and the rest stared at her in astonishment, making her become fearful and self conscious.
Tyrone pointed at her mouth when she too noticed that he looked strange. The rest were astonished as where Trish’s tongue was, now was the end of Tyrone’s large black cock.
Tyrone on the other hand had Trish’s pussy just inside his mouth, behind his lips. His tongue was flapping inside her pussy, inadvertently licking it from the inside as he tried to talk in a drooling wet manner.
“Whaaat the fuck” he said as Trish trembled in ecstasy as his tongue moved inside her pussy.
The rest could only watch in silence as no one wanted to approach Tyrone even though they empathized with Trish.
Then Michelle and Tara appeared, both unconscious with ravaged pussies.
Finally Emily was relieved to see Jack appeared, attached to Natasha, then James with Alicia. She rushed over to them and was shocked that they too were stuck to their partners like Tyrone and Trish.
Jack looked in shock at Natasha as their bodies were linked, and as he tried to talk, he too slurred as Natasha trembled in pleasure as the pussy in her mouth was licked by his tongue.
“Whazz going onnn?” he asked as James and Alicia looked at them wondering as well. Emily explained everything that has happened so far.
“Fuck you guys” said Tyrone as he picked Trish up with his hands and disappeared.
More people appeared as Jackson then Donna appeared. Then Lebronze appeared attached to Sharon who was unconscious. He was in shock as every time he tried to get off her, he felt her body as if it was his cock.
Everyone knew each other by name, so they weren’t fearful of Lebronze. So they comforted him and Sharon just as Tiffany appeared.
Then Adam appeared as Emily rushed to him and hugged and kissed him.
They started discussing what to do and whether to wait around when more people started appearing in pairs.
Trayvon appeared attached to Jessica, while Darius appeared attached to Angelica and Lamar was attached toTanya
Then within moments, Jacen appeared attached to Mercedes, Terrell was attached to Alice and Harlan was attached to Amanda.
They all groaned in pain, pleasure and disorientation as they felt their bodies were different, before realizing they were merged.
“Amanda” slurred Jack as he watched Harlan try to get off her. He couldn’t and slapped her only to groan in pain as if he hit himself in the balls.
Amanda moaned before staring at Harlan with hateful eyes. He tried to claw at his face only to scream from the pain as if her pussy was clawed.
“Everyone don’t move” ordered Adam as he explained that they were merged.
The mandingos were in shock, not believing what was happening. But every time they grabbed the girls they were attached to, they felt as if they were grabbing their own cock.
Finally Brad appeared as did Svetlana not long after.
They stared at each other, not knowing if there was anyone else. Some still hoped their partners survived.
Suddenly a strange laughter filled the hall. It was the being, wearing the Magician’s flesh floating towards them with all the new Tormentors behind him, their mouths drooling from their genitalia and long tongues sticking out of them
“Ready for round two?” he laughed as the blood of everyone turned cold.
They started appearing in the order they escaped from the survival game, in exactly the same position they were in, with their last sight what they saw last.
Tyler was the first to appear and her last sight was Steven still fucking Melanie as Alex came into her.
Not long later, Melanie appeared, still scared of the approaching Tormentors as Jason came into her. She was terrified of Jean who was a Tormentor and Steven who had just been turned.
“Melanie? What happened? Where is Steven?” asked Tyler as she crawled over to her.
Melanie hugged her immediately. “I’m so sorry Tyler. He was turned”
“What… what…” Tyler mumbled, unable to process what happened when suddenly, Heather appeared screaming.
“Jason” she whispered, in tears. Her last moment in the game was kissing Jason who was turning into a tormentor as Alex came into her.
The girls surrounded Heather hand huddled together hugging each other, comforting each other and looking at their surroundings.
They were in the familiar museum, but it was night time, and the whole place was dark and silent.
Within moments, Stephanie appeared, then Carmen, Mandy and finally Tina. They were all in pain from fucking the 13 inch Tyrone and were semi conscious from the pain.
Unlike their normal time where the Magician will heal them or make their bodies automatically more durable and able to heal themselves, they were normal now, and their bodies were battered from within by the large cock. It was likely they had internal injuries from being rammed by Tyrone.
The first 3 girls pulled themselves together and went over to help the 3 teenagers and Carmen, as they were bleeding from their pussies and were in quite a lot of pain.
Within moments, more and more people started appearing from different parts of the survival game.
Amber appeared after being raped by Trayvon, Darius and Lamar, then Lara after being fucked by Jacen, Terrell and Harlan. They were in bad shape with their pussies destroyed by the thugs. They were in worse shape than Carmen, Stephanie, Tina and Mandy as they only had Tyrone, while these girls had 3 mandingos each and were even anally raped.
It wasn’t long before more of the different thug’s victims appeared in a random order. Carolyn appeared first, then Theresa. Both were also in a bad shape and unconscious.
Then came the university students Lily, Angela, Susan and Joey. They appeared crying as they witnessed their boyfriends turned into Tormentors. But they realized what was happening, pulled themselves together to help out the other girls who were bleeding badly from their orifices and their bodies were battered.
Then Emily appeared, in reasonable condition so she helped out while waiting for the rest of her group. Marisa appeared next. She too was hopeful the rest of her group would turn up.
Suddenly, Tyrone and Trish appeared. Trish was moaning in pain as Tyrone’s 13 inch cock was still inside her. Carmen, Tina, Stephanie and Mandy glanced at him in fear as their pussies were ruined by him.
He smiled, pleased with himself that he managed to escape and looked around and smiled at the 3 teenagers in a leering manner.
However as he got up, he realized Trish was still attached to him. She looked at him in fear as he grabbed her breasts and tried to pull her off.
She screamed in a strange sound, but surprisingly, he screamed as well as he realized he hurt the moment he grabbed her breasts and squeezed hard. It was as if he was squeezing his own cock.
They looked at each other in shock as he groped her everywhere. Every time he touched her, he felt as if he was touching a part of his cock, as if she was a part of him, she became his cock.
She looked at him in surprise, and as her hands tried to push him off, she felt as if she was touching her own pussy. She looked at her groin and found that she was attached to Tyrone at the groin seamlessly.
“Whaa haa’eened?” asked Trish in a slurred fashion as she suddenly realized that she could not talk, as if her tongue was swollen.
Tyrone and the rest stared at her in astonishment, making her become fearful and self conscious.
Tyrone pointed at her mouth when she too noticed that he looked strange. The rest were astonished as where Trish’s tongue was, now was the end of Tyrone’s large black cock.
Tyrone on the other hand had Trish’s pussy just inside his mouth, behind his lips. His tongue was flapping inside her pussy, inadvertently licking it from the inside as he tried to talk in a drooling wet manner.
“Whaaat the fuck” he said as Trish trembled in ecstasy as his tongue moved inside her pussy.
The rest could only watch in silence as no one wanted to approach Tyrone even though they empathized with Trish.
Then Michelle and Tara appeared, both unconscious with ravaged pussies.
Finally Emily was relieved to see Jack appeared, attached to Natasha, then James with Alicia. She rushed over to them and was shocked that they too were stuck to their partners like Tyrone and Trish.
Jack looked in shock at Natasha as their bodies were linked, and as he tried to talk, he too slurred as Natasha trembled in pleasure as the pussy in her mouth was licked by his tongue.
“Whazz going onnn?” he asked as James and Alicia looked at them wondering as well. Emily explained everything that has happened so far.
“Fuck you guys” said Tyrone as he picked Trish up with his hands and disappeared.
More people appeared as Jackson then Donna appeared. Then Lebronze appeared attached to Sharon who was unconscious. He was in shock as every time he tried to get off her, he felt her body as if it was his cock.
Everyone knew each other by name, so they weren’t fearful of Lebronze. So they comforted him and Sharon just as Tiffany appeared.
Then Adam appeared as Emily rushed to him and hugged and kissed him.
They started discussing what to do and whether to wait around when more people started appearing in pairs.
Trayvon appeared attached to Jessica, while Darius appeared attached to Angelica and Lamar was attached toTanya
Then within moments, Jacen appeared attached to Mercedes, Terrell was attached to Alice and Harlan was attached to Amanda.
They all groaned in pain, pleasure and disorientation as they felt their bodies were different, before realizing they were merged.
“Amanda” slurred Jack as he watched Harlan try to get off her. He couldn’t and slapped her only to groan in pain as if he hit himself in the balls.
Amanda moaned before staring at Harlan with hateful eyes. He tried to claw at his face only to scream from the pain as if her pussy was clawed.
“Everyone don’t move” ordered Adam as he explained that they were merged.
The mandingos were in shock, not believing what was happening. But every time they grabbed the girls they were attached to, they felt as if they were grabbing their own cock.
Finally Brad appeared as did Svetlana not long after.
They stared at each other, not knowing if there was anyone else. Some still hoped their partners survived.
Suddenly a strange laughter filled the hall. It was the being, wearing the Magician’s flesh floating towards them with all the new Tormentors behind him, their mouths drooling from their genitalia and long tongues sticking out of them
“Ready for round two?” he laughed as the blood of everyone turned cold.
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