Friday night was magic night at the strip club.
As the club was quite popular the tables were all full, and the fleshbots were all sexily dancing on all the many tables around the club.
On one of the many tables were college friends Theresa Daniels, Anul Gupta, Simon Tan, Harry Cock and Aliyah Taylor.
They were 17 year old pre-med students out for a night in the town. One of the girls Theresa Daniels, in particular was a ravishing redheaded beauty whom Anul, Simon and Harry had a crush on.
All year round, they competed for her attention. Anul was a brilliant exchange student from India. Simon was a international student from Taiwan while Harry was born in the US, but his parents were from Hong Kong.
Theresa of course, knew that they were interested in her. However, she didn’t fancy any of them, and so she brought her friend Aliyah to accompany them, and in essence, to cockblock them.
Theresa wanted to remain friends with them as they were all very nice to her, but at this point in her life, she was only interested in her studies.
Being as gorgeous as she was, she had no shortage of offers to model, but she only concentrated on her studies. She was quite focused and didn’t get distracted from her goals.
Tonight was a rare night where Theresa felt she got conned. She was always careful not to lead any of the guys on, but somehow she lost a bet and now had to join them at a strip club.
Knowing she was going to a strip club, she dressed conservatively in a sweater and jeans, trying not to look too sexy, so as not to be mistaken for a stripper. She knew she was pretty, so she didn’t want to get into trouble.
While at the club, Theresa was intimidated by all the gorgeous fleshbots. Being a pretty girl herself, she was of course competitive when it comes to her good looks, even though she didn’t want to benefit financially from her looks alone.
The fleshbots were far superior to what she expected. She always thought that strippers and pornstars were broken individuals, maybe addicted to drugs or something was wrong with them. This usually could be seen from their eyes or body.
However, all these dancers were perfect specimens. She even blushed whenever any of the cockbots smiled at her. They were so hot.
At her table, the 3 guys were trying their best to get her drunk, while Aliyah was trying her best to spoil the fun for them, much to Theresa’s relief.
Suddenly there was a loud bang as a group of large black gangbangers barged into the room, laughing loudly and looking intimidating.
They were all huge, between 6'1 to 6'4" and were muscular, showing off their muscles in singlets or tight shirts.
Even Sam’s large cockbots Mike, Tyrone, Drago and Hugh would have a difficult time physically dealing with them.
They walked around with a swagger like they owned the place and chased away a group of people to get themselves a table right in front of the main stage.
Harlan, a large 6'2" black man yelled at the stage where Mike was dancing with Heather, both of them naked and Heather was swinging his cock around.
"Hey nigga! How about you share some of that white pussy with your brothers?"
Mike ignored them and continued dancing. As the leader of the group Harlan commanded "Go find some chicks, lets have some fun"
Jacen and Gage, the two largest men in the group at 6'4" each. While Jacen was muscular and fit, everything about Gage was thick.
His body was nearly double Jacen's size girth wise.
They got up and came back carrying the Serena and Tyler from the other stages. They started groping the girls and sucking on their breasts while the girls struggled. .
Jacen picked Tyler up by her thighs like a doll and started sucking her pussy, while Gage was inserting his sausage like fingers into Serena.
They didn't care who was watching them, they just did whatever they wanted.
Jamal and Terrell, both also muscular brutes were leering and manhandling other waitresses.
Although not as big as the others, they were 6'1" and 6'2" respectively and didn't look like people you would mess with.
They ripped off Mandy and Stephanie’s clothes and were groping them and licking them all over.
Theresa and her group of friends were terrified and were preparing to leave when Harlan, the gang leader stood up and walked over to their table, grabbing Theresa by her hand and pulling her to his table.
She looked at her friends, pleading them with her eyes, but they sat quietly, looking at their feet.
Loki decided it was time to act and the lights suddenly dimmed.
“Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we present to you Loki the Erotic Magician!” came a voice over the mike.
The lights suddenly came on and Loki stood in the middle of the stage, completely naked with his 9 inch cock semi erect.
Harlan stood dazed, still half way back to his table holding Theresa’s hand.
“I will need a couple for tonight. How about you two?” Loki asked.
Harlan looked confused as Theresa was let out of his hand and walked onto the stage.
“Yes, why don’t you join your girl friend on stage?” Loki smiled at Harlan.
Theresa wanted to say that he was not her boyfriend, but she somehow stood mute on stage.
Harlan walked onto the stage and stood next to Theresa. He towered over her as he was 6’2 while she was only 5’5” tall.
Theresa was dressed in a conservative sweater and jeans, while Harlan wore tight leather jeans and a black leather jacket with his chest exposed.
“You both are now under my command and you will obey everything I say without hesitation” Loki said and snapped his fingers
Theresea and Harlan stared straight ahead, completely in a trance.
“What are your names?” he asked
“Harlan Rex” “Theresa Daniels” they answered individually.
“Pleased to meet both of you. Now what do you want me to ask them to do?” Loki smiled and asked the audience
“Strip! Strip! Strip!” Jacen, Gage, Jamal and Terrell yelled loudly
“You heard that Harlan? Those guys over there want you to strip!” Loki said.
Harlan immediately stripped. He wasn’t wearing any underwear, so after removing his jacket and leather pants, he was completely naked.
He was very muscular, and he had a huge 12 inch cock hanging between his legs.
“Impressive Harlan, are all your friends equally as impressive?” Loki asked.
The 4 black men suddenly got silent and were intimidated.
“All four of you, come up” Loki ordered and the 4 men immediately obeyed. They tried to resist, but couldn’t.
Before long they were also naked, standing side by side with Harlan and Theresa in the middle. Theresa was still fully dressed.
Jamal was the shortest at 6'1" with a 11 inch dick. Harlan and Terrell were next at 6'2" with identical 12 inch cocks.
Finally Jacen and Gage were 6'4" with Jacen also owning a 12 inch cock, while Gage's cock was 13 inches long, and looked identical to Mike and Tyrone's monsters.
“Erect!” commanded Loki and all 5 men’s cocks stood fully erect in their majestic glory.
The crowd was stunned. Theresa’s friends gulped seeing her standing next to 5 gigantic guys with monster cocks.
“I don’t think it’s fair, Theresa being the only one dressed. I think she should be next, don’t you think?” Loki asked the crowd.
The crowd was actually silent, but Loki continued anyway.
“It may be best if I covered her head for this” Loki said as he conjured a cloth from nowhere and covered her pretty head. With a quick jerk, he removed her head, much to the horror and surprise of the crowd.
He gave her covered head to Harlan and placed both of Harlan’s hands on her head, holding it with both hands, still as a statue.
Her body still stood still, as if nothing had happened and she wasn’t missing her head.
Loki then stood behind Theresa and moved his hands behind her back, unclasping her bra. Her bra could clearly be seen suddenly moving slightly forwards under her sweater.
He then moved his hands, one on either side of her, under her arms and up her chest and grabbed one breast with each hand.
With a causal jerk, he pulled both hands out, holding two detached C cup breasts!
“You guys are her friends yes? Why don’t you come onstage to help me hold these” Loki said towards Anul, Simon and Harry who looked terrified.
All 3 stepped onto the stage and Loki stood them to the side and handed them Theresa’s breasts.
He handed Theresa’s left breast to Harry and her right breast to Simon. They both kneaded it greedily, as if their dreams came through.
Loki walked back to Theresa and pushed his hand into her jeans, pulling out her red pubic hair. He walked towards Anul and stuck the sparse hair on his face, giving him a thin red Hitler like moustache.
He then walked to Theresa’s body again placed his hand under her sweater again. He tugged at her bra and it came out from under her sweater.
Immediately, both her arms fell loose, drooping loosely inside each arm of the sweater, as if the bra straps had cut off her arms.
Loki pulled off the sweater, revealing the naked top torso of Theresa, only it had no head, arms nor breasts!
He took out her arms from the sweater and threw the sweater to one side, leaving Theresa’s naked top half still standing armless and her bottom half was still in her jeans.
Loki commanded Harry and Simon to open their pants and they obeyed, displaying their puny 4 inch cocks.
He put the right hand on Harry’s cock and the left hand holding Simon’s and ordered Theresa to start masturbating them. Her hand started moving up and down while he commanded both Harry and Simon to start fucking her breast that they were holding.
The two men looked strange, fucking Theresa’s soft C cup breast each while her hand masturbated them.
Loki walked back to Theresa’s torso. Even without breasts, Theresa had a gorgeous body.
He unbuckled and unzipped her jeans and with one hand around her waist, his other hand pulled off her panties.
Like with her bra, her panties seemed to go through her flesh and cut off her legs at her hips as Loki carried out her torso, leaving her legs still standing on the ground.
He ordered Anul to remove Theresa’s legs and fuck Theresa’s thighs and feet, which he happily complied.
He carried Theresa’s naked torso high in the air, then brought it to a table, lying it down on it. Her pussy and ass was facing the audience as they got a clear view of everything.
“Ok, now lets to my version of the swords box, only with no box” Loki said.
He walked up to Harlan who was still holding Theresa’s head and arranged so that he stood next to her torso, facing away with her head facing his cock. The silhouette of her head could be seen with her mouth open, the tip of his cock slightly inside her open mouth.
He then walked up to Gage who had the largest and thickest cock at 13 inches. He grabbed it and pulled. It came right off and he held it like a sword in his right hand, fencing with it.
Then he walked over to Theresa’s torso and held her torso with her left hand. He placed the tip of Gage’s monster cock at the opening of her vagina and in one smooth motion shoved the whole thing into her pussy.
Theresa’s head gasped loudly, sucking Harlan’s cock hard. Her suction automatically caused her head to move down Harlan’s 12 inch cock, taking it deep into her head.
This was the result Loki wanted as he walked to Jacen and pulled off his 12 inch cock.
He walked over to Theresa’s torso again and this time shoved the huge cock into Theresa’s anus. She moaned so loudly her moans could be heard even while being gagged by Harlan’s cock.
Both Gage and Jacen’s cocks were balls deep inside her with Gage’s balls facing forwards and Jacen’s facing backwards.
Loki then walked up to Terrell and removed his similar sized 12 inch cock and walked to her torso again.
”Where do I put it? Can she fit another one?” he asked loudly to the stunned crowd.
He squeezed the tip of Terrell’s cock into her pussy, next to Gage’s huge thick cock and shoved it inside her, causing another loud moan. This time, while Gage’s balls were facing forwards, Terrell’s balls were facing backwards out of her pussy.
Loki finally removed Jamal’s 11 inch cock and walked over to Theresa’s torso. This time, he squeezed it into her ass next to Jacen’s cock causing another moan.
By now, Harlan was cumming hard into Theresa’s mouth due to the vibrations of her moaning.
There were Gage and Terrell’s two huge cocks in Theresa’s pussy while Jacen and Jamal’s huge cocks were in her ass and her body couldn’t help but twitch and squeeze them while in agony and ecstasy.
This cause all 4 cocks to cum inside her and cum could be seen spurting out of her orifices.
He took her torso, with 4 cocks still inside and sat her up, sitting on the balls as if they were attached like a dildo to the table.
“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you and goodnight!” Loki said as he removed the cloth from Theresa’s head showing her with Harlan’s cock balls deep touching her chin and cum flowing out from her mouth and nose.
Her eyes were in tears as her whole body was used like meat. She could feel the copious amounts of warm cum flowing from her pussy and ass.
She could feel the warm cum on her breasts and spasming of the dicks she was holding with her hands as Harry and Simon ejaculated on her breasts.
She could also feel the warm cum on her feet and thighs as Anul came on her feet and thighs.
Through the whole thing, Aliyah sat at her chair masturbating, unable to help herself.
That was all anyone remembered. The next thing the audience knew, they were home in their beds.
Anul, Harry, Simon and Aliyah were in their beds exhausted from their orgasms. When they wake up the next morning, they would wonder if this was all a dream.
Loki smiled, looking at the 4 naked men standing without their cocks attached to their bodies.
He walked to Harlan and Theresa, who still had Harlan’s cock balls deep in her detached head’s mouth.
He touched both their foreheads, claiming their minds as his possessions, then walked to the 4 men and touched their foreheads one by one.
He then spayed Theresa and neutered the thugs using his normal procedure.
He looked at the black men. He thought it would be best to change their faces since they were probably criminals like Tyrone.
Although they didn't look bad and had rugged good looks, he made them better looking using their natural features.
So he altered all their faces slightly, making use of their features to make them the most handsome they could possibly be.
Then he altered all their bodies to become identical clones of Mike, all 6'5", but with their individual good looks.
He then pulled out all 4 cocks from Theresa’s body, and like playing with a animal balloon, he straightened them out with his hand, making them all an identical 13 inches, then reattaching them to their bodies.
He went to Harlan and pulled Theresa’s head off his cock and altered his body and cock too to match the others.
One by one, he reattached her missing parts, starting with her head, then her breasts, arms and lastly her legs.
The next day, throughout the museum, he rearranged his cockbots and fleshbots in pairs in different common sexual positions. He couldn’t wait to use his new Mandingo cockbots in all of them. They all were 6’5” and had 13 inch cocks.
Mike fucked Tyler in missionary position with her legs up, His huge cock could be seen half way inside her.
Tyrone fucked Heather doggie style, again with his cock half way inside her.
Harlan fucked the tiny Sharon cowgirl style, she looked like she was sitting on a stool with half his huge cock sticking out of her.
Gage was fucking Courtney reverse cowgirl style as he hugged her from behind, while half his cock was stuck inside her pussy.
Jacen was in a 69 position with Trish, his large tongue fucked her as she swallowed his huge cock.
Terrell was carrying Kimberly, her legs on his shoulders while he leaned and fucker her on a wall.
Jamal fucked Stacy in the ass doggie style while standing up.
In the meantime, Tina, Mandy, Svetlana and Theresa were displayed as headless, limbless torsos on pedestal for visitors to grope and fuck.
Stephanie and Theresa were bent over next to Brandon who was also bent over with his cock hanging down, all headless.
Their identities were sensitive and dangerous for Loki as they were missing persons.
Steven, Alex, Jim, Hugh, Drago, Valerie, Melanie, Angelica, Charlotta, Jessica and Serena were all used in the sex club during the nights.
Furthermore, those fleshbots partnered with the Mandingos were used in the sex maze and rotated with the other girls.
The Erotic Magician uses his magical abilities to fulfill his every carnal desire.
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