Several weeks later, a 26 year old pretty blonde young lady, in a fashionable short shoulder length hairstyle walked into the Museum. She was fit and slim, and her cleavage showed from under her blouse and jacket.
She, among the many reporters from the many news networks, had also received a brief from "The Stranger"
The Magician looked at her and instantly knew he wanted her.
“My name is Carrie Newton. I am a reporter for the LA Chronicle. Can I have a moment of your time?” she asked as she approached the Magician.
“What can I do for you Miss Newton?” asked the Magician.
“Well, I have been following the infamous case, and in my investigation, I have discovered something that I want to investigate more about” she explained.
“Can you elaborate? Perhaps I can help?” teased the Magician, wondering where her investigation was heading.
“Well, the investigation covered several missing persons that looked identical to the people the FBI and LAPD were looking for, but the courts ruled it circumstantial that your mannequins looked like the missing people” she started.
“Go on” the Magician said.
“Well, I looked at the other dolls look like several people on the missing people’s list” she explained.
Carrie brought out pictures of the sex dolls, fully labeled and matched them to pictures of the husbands. The Magician of course recognized them as the people that attended the swinger parties where he acquired their wives.
“Courtney Swan-Connelly, Jennifer Swanson, Catherine Alba, Tara Donehue, Kelly Tran-Gerrard, Lauren Owen and Jean Drummond. Are they missing? ” he read on the labels and asked
“Yes. Although their husbands never reported them missing, and disappeared on their own, their other relatives and friends reported them missing and found their husband’s explanations incongruent with the personalities of the missing wives” she explained.
“You’ve interviewed the family members and friends?” he asked, surprised.
“Yes. I’ve interviewed alot of their relatives and friends. After the wives disappearances, the husbands disappeared as well. Their friends and other relatives have never seen them since” she said.
“Which led me to further my investigation, and I found out that the swingers parties were held here, making it suspicious that the wives disappeared regularly here, and there are dolls that look exactly like them in the day time” she continued.
“Well, they are very pretty aren’t they?” asked the Magician, interrupting her.
“Yes, yes they are” she answered.
“They are very pretty which was why I selected them to model during the creation of my dolls.” Explained the Magician.
"Surely you don't believe that I turned them into dolls then, as stated by the prosecution in the case?" he asked her in surprise as if doubting her intelligence.
"Of course not. The LA Chronicle is a serious newspaper. We are not a gossip tabloid" she answered.
"So what do you want of me Miss Newton? How can I help you?" asked the Magician with a smile.
"My idea is to look for the husbands and get them to show up, and have them together with the sex dolls that look like their wives" she answered.
"Ok. I agree. But it will have to be done after the museum closes. I am not closing the museum just for this" the Magician said.
"Of course. I will bring my photographer Chris" she said.
Carrie set everything up and gave the Magician the guest list, so he could prepare the relevant dolls.
The Magician looked at the list. "Courtney, Jennifer, Catherine, Tara, Kelly, Lauren and Jean" he read.
“The husbands work for you, no? As cleaners?” she asked.
“Good investigation. Not even the feds found out about the husbands” he answered.
“But you can get them to come at the same time?” she asked confidently.
The Magician smiled and nodded.
"There's also Amber's husband Michael Hastings. But he doesn't count as their divorce was public, and Amber isn't missing as she appeared in the court case" she said.
"I also investigated a few broken hearted boyfriends of Melanie Rodriguez, Sharon Lee and Kimberley Connor, but since they are not married, I didn't bother going further with my investigation on them" she said.
"I guess Melanie, Kimberley and Sharon would have partners. I guess I never bothered to really get to know my fleshbots" thought the Magician to himself.
The next night just at closing time, the Magician brought them in and shut the museum.
Carrie introduced Chris Charming, her photographer.
looked more like a fashion photographer, in loose jeans and a loose
white shirt. He was reasonably good looking and fit. He had a small
camera on his shoulders and was already recording.
"Since you want to interview and meet the husbands, please follow me" the Magician instructed. They followed him deeper into the museum and stopped at a corridor.
"At the end of the corridor is where the dolls that look like the wives are" he explained.
Suddenly, from different directions, several familiar looking men passed them by. However, they were all dressed like cleaners in white overalls.
One by one, the Magician pointed and introduced the men to Carrie as they passed by and ignored her.
"That is Marc Connelly, Courtney Swan-Connelly's husband"
"That is Hewitt Keys, Jennifer Swanson's husband"
"That is Jones Marden, Catherine Alba's husband"
"That is Damien Donehue, Tara Donehue's husband"
"That is Conner Gerrard, Kelly Tran-Gerrard's husband"
"That is Charlie Smithe, Lauren Owen's husband"
"That is Anthony Howler, Jean Drummond's husband"
Carrie looked at them in astonishment.
“Since everyone is here, you can go and see what they do with their dolls” the Magician stated as the men entered another room.
“Where.. where are they going?” asked Carrie.
“To the room where the dolls that look like their wives are. They obviously can’t do it here in the hall” he answered. Carrie realized that Chris had followed with the other men already.
“Come on, you can see them in action in that room” the Magician pointed.
Carrie was nervous. Without Chris, she was alone in a very uncomfortable place.She brought Chris along because this place gave her a wrong vibe, as if she was going to get raped.
She walked to the door hesitantly and walked in.
She was shocked to find a room full of beautiful dolls that looked like the women in question.
She recognized all of them. They were Courtney Swan-Connelly, Jennifer Swanson, Catherine Alba, Tara Donehue, Kelly Tran-Gerrard, Lauren Owen and Jean Drummond.
However, they were all covered in cum and dirt and their husbands were spraying their bodies with disinfectant and cleaning them with cloth.
She quickly got over her shock and tried to get to work.
Connor Gerrard was the closed to her, and he was busily cleaning the insides of his wife's Kelly Tran's pussy when she started her interview.
“Hi. My name is Carrie, Carrie Newton from the LA Chronicle. I want to interview..” she started before she was interrupted by Connor ignoring her and picking Kelly up and bringing the body into a nearby cleaning booth.
The cleaning booth looked like a translucent capsule where you can only see the silhouette. Carrie could clearly see Connor stripping and turning on the water. Then he soaped his body up and started fucking and cleaning Kelly's body with his soapy body.
She blushed and looked at Chris who was next to her videoing everything.
She quickly calmed down and went to the next person nearby who was Anthony Howler, who was cleaning his wife Jean Drummond's pussy.
Again she was ignored and just as Connor came out with Kelly, Anthony brought Jean's body in to fuck and wash.
She got frustrated and went up an physically shook Hewitt Keys who was also busily cleaning his wife Jennifer Swanson.
Instantly, she felt a headache and held her temple in pain and the room started spinning. The next thing she realized is that she was on a bed looking at the ceiling.
"What happened? Did I faint?" she thought to herself.
Suddenly she saw Chris smiling at her.
"Chris! Thank God. What happened?" she asked but in her head. Somehow her voice didn't come out and she stared at Chris silently as he appeared to be getting something.
"Did Chris change his clothes? What is he wearing. White overalls?" she thought.
Chris returned with a cloth and started wiping her breasts.
"Why are you touching my breasts!" she suddenly yelled in her head.
Suddenly she realize that she was completely naked, but she couldn't move to cover herself.
Her eyes could move, but her body was completely stiff and Chris could pose her in whatever position he wanted.
He spread her legs and she suddenly felt his fingers entering her pussy, first with his fingers, then with a soft cloth.His fingers and the cloth explored and cleaned her pussy, deep inside her ass as well as into her mouth.
"Yuck, you washed my pussy and my ass then put the cloth in my mouth?" thought Carrie in her head.
Then to Carrie's surprise, Chris started picking her up and walking to the cleaning station.
" This cannot be happening!" she thought, remembering what the other husbands were doing to their wives.
She was posed in a standing position and placed under a running shower. She could clearly see Chris stripping off his clothes.
She was helpless and could not move an inch as Chris started soaping himself up and soaping her body all over.
Suddenly, she felt the tip of his penis at her pussy and without hesitation, he shoved his 6 inch cock into her balls deep and started pumping.
"No.. no... no" was all she could think at every pump he pumped into her and before long, she felt a warmth inside her pussy as he came inside her.
The room started spinning and she passed out again.
Carrie woke up, still naked and Chris was naked next to her. She got up and recoiled in anger looking at Chris as tears fell from her eyes.
"Why are you angry at him? Weren't you two together? I sensed sexual tension between you two" asked the Magician.
"NO!! Chris
is my best friend's husband. 3 of us were in journalism school
together, but he married Bessie. We are not in love. We just work
together" she answered in tears, her hands covering her body.
"Really? Is that true Chris?" he asked the cameraman.
"Um.. I've always been in love with Carrie. Although I married Bessie, I.. I've always been in love with Carrie." he said.
Carrie was shocked. Why would Chris say such a thing?
hypnotized both of you to only be able to tell me the truth.
So it would appear Chris does have long term feelings for you" the
Magician explained
"But... but Bessie...." she stammered.
no big deal. Feelings can change. Even memories can change" said the
Magician as clicked his fingers.
"Who says Bessie is your wife? Maybe Carrie here is your wife" he said to Chris, who looked at Carrie lovingly and nodded.
Carrie was stunned looking at Chris' loving face as he started touching her again.
She recoiled again from him and started hitting him.
"Carrie darling, why are you acting like this?" Chris asked in confusion, but Carrie kept hitting him.
The Magician looked at the two of them and clicked his fingers.
didn’t know what happened, but the next thing she knew the room was spinning again and she lost consciousness.
She woke up to feel a cock inside her pussy. She looked and saw that she was in the shower again as Chris came into her.
After Chris cleaned up again, he dried her up and brought her back to the bed together with the other wives who were all equally immobile.
"Hey, you must be new here. Your wife is pretty hot!" said Damien as he approached Chris.
"My w.. huh? Yeah" Chris answered in a confused manner.
"Do you mind if we switch?" Damien asked.
"Huh? What?" Chris asked in confusion.
"The owner lets us use whichever doll we want. However, each of us has a favorite, so we ask permission from the so called owner" Anthony explained as he too walked over.
"Uh, sure" answered Chris as he walked off.
"No... Chris... don't leave me!" thought Carrie in her head.
"Look boys, a new doll!" said Damien again.
One by one, they fucked Carrie. There was cum coming out of every orifice.
"Hey, lets initiate her!" yelled Anthony.
The men really had fun with her, and brought the body of one of the Mandingos Jamal for her initiation.
They placed Jamal on the ground with his cock sticking up into the air and prepared Carrie by placing her pussy onto his cock.
Slowly they pulled her down as the huge cock entered her inch by inch. She felt every inch enter her pussy, but could not move or make a sound.
"In, in, in, IN, IN" they chanted until Jamal was balls deep.
All night, they had their fun with her body and she lost consciousness.
Chris had also passed out after cumming into 3 of the other wives.
Carrie woke up with pain from every orifice.She hugged her stomach in pain as if her internal organs had been moved around.
Chris had came to his senses and quickly got dressed and ran off, abandoning Carrie.
Carrie sat by herself on one of the beds, her makeup a mess, and cum was flowing out of her pussy and ass.
She looked at the Magician in horror and fear at his power to control her.
"What... what are you going to do to me? I know the truth" she stated in fear.
"I'm not going to do anything. All my fleshbots are here because they want to be here. You can leave if you want. I won't stop you. But I would really love to have you" he said as he passed her an overcoat to cover up.
She thanked him and looked away before leaving.
"What a debacle. Where's that bastard Chris?" she thought as she caught a cab home
The Erotic Magician uses his magical abilities to fulfill his every carnal desire.
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Chapter 75 - Missing Dolls - FBI Headquarters 3 - Janine, Thomas
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